BATHROOM FURNITURE / CUBITO PURE DESIGN LINE / MEDIUM SHALLOW CABINET CUBITO oak left door right door Article number Description Colour white/ oak glossy front H43J424 1105001 medium shallow cabinet, 1 door (left hinged), 2 glass shelves 239 € H43J424 1105191 medium shallow cabinet, 1 door (left hinged), 2 glass shelves 224 € white/glossy front H43J424 1205001 medium shallow cabinet, 1 door (right hinged), 2 glass shelves 239 € H43J424 1205191 medium shallow cabinet, 1 door (right hinged), 2 glass shelves 224 € TALL CABINET CUBITO oak Article number Description Colour white/ oak glossy front H43J4222305001 tall cabinet, 2 doors (left/right hinged), 5 shelves (1 fixed, 4 glass) 401 € H43J4222305191 tall cabinet, 2 doors (left/right hinged), 5 shelves (1 fixed, 4 glass) 310 € white/glossy front Combine Cubito bathroom furniture with Clear mirrors in the Mirrors & Lighting section. Glass shelf thickness is 6 mm. Benefits of bathroom furniture